Seminar Registration Form
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Information Security Seminars
IT Audit Seminars
HG04: Effective RACF Administration ($2195)
___ December 1-4, 2015 in Bethesda, MD
___ March 1-4, 2016 in Clearwater, FL
___ December 6-9, 2016 in Bethesda, MD

HG05: Advanced RACF Administration ($2050)
___ December 7-10, 2015, in Bethesda, MD
___ December 12-15, 2016, in Bethesda, MD

HG06: UNIX (USS) for RACF Administrators ($550)
___ November 9, 2015 in Bethesda, MD
___ November 9, 2016 in Bethesda, MD
HG64: How to Audit z/OS with MVS, RACF, ACF2, TopSecret, CICS, DB2, and MQ Series Security ($2300)
___May 10-13, 2016 in Raleigh, NC
___September 19-22, 2016 in location TBD

HG65: How to Audit z/OS with USS, TCP/IP, FTP, and the Internet (This class is a logical follow on to HG64.) ($1590)
___November 10-12, 2015 in Bethesda, MD
___November 15-17, 2016 in Bethesda, MD

HG76: How to Audit UNIX and Windows Security ($2200)
___October 24-27, 2016 in Bethesda, MD

Please mail this form to the address below or fax it to (301) 229-3958.

the Henderson Group, 5702 Newington Road, Bethesda, MD 20816

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