About the Henderson Group
The Henderson Group is an information security consulting and training firm, founded in 1990. We show you practical ways to provide effective information security, particularly with IBM mainframes, the Internet, UNIX, and Windows.
Our consulting services include:
- Consulting for Information Security, including security reviews, technical support, and implementation assistance
- Consulting for IS Audits, including technical support, project guidance, and audit improvement programs
- Management Consulting for IT managers and software vendors, including effectiveness reviews, technical support, management controls, and marketing support
Henderson Group training for security administrators, auditors, and system programmers includes:
- RACF security software courses (basic and advanced)
- USS (UNIX under z/OS) Security courses
- MVS and z/OS security training, including RACF, ACF2, TopSecret, CICS, DB2, VTAM, TCP/IP,Internet, and JES security
- "How to Audit Security for ..." Classes for: z/OS, the Internet, CICS, MVS, RACF, TCP/IP, MQ Series, UNIX and Windows, Mainframe/Internet Connections, and Cross-Platform Applications
We participate in professional activities such as:
- Supporting professional organizations and conferences such as the New York RACF Users Group, the Vanguard Conference, SHARE, ISACA, and the AICPA
- Providing the free newsletters: the RACF User News and the Mainframe Audit Newws
- Providing trainers for ISACA courses to prepare auditors for the Certified Information System Auditor exam
- Staffing a free information security technical support hotline
- Maintaining an infosec and audit web site http://www.stuhenderson.com
The Henderson Group is a sole proprietorship (Stuart C. Henderson, dba the Henderson Group).