HG05: Advanced RACF Training

(4 days; 32 CPE credits; $2050)
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This advanced RACF training course gives you a powerful understanding of how

to use the advanced features of RACF, to support RACF with UNIX, TCP/IP, the Firewall, and the z/OS WorldWide Web Server. This course will get you ready to deal with RACF and Sysplex, as well as digital certificates and cross-platform security with Single Signon. It covers RACF on z/OS with the MVS operating system.

You will learn to use RACF to control JES, SDSF, VTAM, APPC, OMVS or USS ("UNIX under MVS"), TCP/IP, Sysplex, the Message Queue Manager, the Websphere Web Server, and MVS. You will get clear explanations of how these system software components work, how they work with RACF, and how you can use RACF to control them. You will learn how RACF interfaces with other software components to provide your installation the most comprehensive practical protection possible.

This course shows you how to design RACF exits, how to analyze the structure of the RACF dataset, and how to tune RACF for best performance. You will learn how to plan, implement, and use RRSF, the RACF Remote Sharing Facility (which lets you synchronize passwords and RACF commands between RACF databases).

This course will show you how to use the most sophisticated and advanced features of RACF. While you do not need to be a system programmer or technician, you will want a solid understanding of RACF basics to get the most out of this course. This course is the logical follow-on to HG04: Effective RACF Administration.

The 400+ page reference manual contains diagrams, worksheets, and valuable reference material not available anywhere else.

Who Should Attend HG05 Advanced RACF training?

HG05: You Will Learn:

  • To secure UNIX, TCP/IP, and the Web Server on the mainframe
  • To take advantage of the mainframe Firewall
  • To use the advanced resource classes
  • To call RACF from within a program and to design RACF exits
  • To Tune RACF for performance
  • To use RRSF
  • RACF works with JES and VTAM
  • To use RACF with MVS/Open Edition
  • RACF works with MQ Series and SDSF

Class Outline

I   Concepts and Keywords                                            
     Why We Are Here                                                
     Background and Trends                                          
     Review of RACF Fundamentals                                   
     IBM'S Changes to MVS, JES, etc. for B1 Certification          
     The Power of Resource Names With Dots                         
     What We Will Cover                                            
        A)     JES  Resource Classes                               
        B)     VTAM                                                
        C)     APPC                                                
        D)     Structure of the RACF Database                      
        E)     Writing Programs to Read the RACF Database    
        F)     Writing Programs to Call RACF                       
        G)     RACF Exits                                          
        H)     MQM (the Message Queue Manager)                   
        I)     USS (UNIX), TCP/IP, WWW Server, and the Firewall    
        J)     DCE and Digital Certificates                       
        K)     Sysplex                                            
        L)     RRSF (RACF Remote Sharing Facility)                

II  Action Steps                                                  
     A)     JES Resource Classes                                  
     B)     VTAM                                                  
     C)     APPC (Advanced Program to Program                     
     D)     Structure of the RACF Database                        
     E)     Writing Programs to Read the RACF Database            
     F)     Writing Programs to Call RACF                         
     G)     RACF Exits                                            
     H)     MQM (Message Queue Manager)                          
     I)     USS (UNIX), TCP/IP, the WWW Server, and the Firewall  
     J)     DCE and Digital Certificates                          
     K)     Sysplex                                               
     L)     RRSF (RACF Remote Sharing Facility)                   

III Forms and Reference                                           
     A)     HASPPARM                                              
     B)     SYS1.VTAMLST                                       
     C)     RACF DBU RECORD TYPES                   


Please note that these seminars are available for In-House Sessions.

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Stu Henderson offers consulting, seminars, articles, and other information sharing related to information security and auditing. His consulting includes: security reviews, risk assessments, RACF implementation assistance, and Information Technology audit technical counseling.
His most popular seminars provide: RACF training, mainframe audit training including MVS and z/OS audit training. His RACF seminars include: "Effective RACF Administration", "Advanced RACF Administration", and "UNIX (USS) for RACF Administrators".
His audit seminars include: "How to Audit MVS, RACF, ACF2, TopSecret, CICS, DB2, and MQ Series Security" and the follow-on "How to Audit z/OS with USS, TCP/IP, FTP, and the Internet" as well as "How to Audit UNIX and Windows Security" and "How to Audit TCP/IP Security".
Information on class location and schedules, as well as articles, links and other useful information sharing may be found on his website at www.stuhenderson.com