HG06: UNIX (USS) for RACF Administrators

(1 day, 8 CPE credits; $550)
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If you are a RACF administrator who doesn't administer USS security too, this course is a must.

Now that IBM gives us USS (UNIX under MVS, also known as OMVS) for free with MVS, RACF administrators need to know how to administer USS security. This means learning UNIX security administration, and understanding how USS works with RACF. Securing USS is essential to securing TCP/IP on the mainframe, as well as the Websphere web server software.

This seminar teaches RACF administrators how to administer USS security, including userids, UIDs, GIDs, and file security. You will learn how to use the UNIXPRIV, FACILITY, SURROGAT, and UNIXMAP resource classes to support USS security. You will learn how UNIX security works, how USS security is different, how USS security works with RACF, and how to include USS security administration under the RACF administration umbrella.

You will also learn how to administer ACLs (Access Control Lists) for enhanced USS file security. All of this material is presented in a clear, easy-to- understand format, with simple exercises to demonstrate what you have learned.

Who Should Attend HG06?

  • RACF Administrators Responsible for USS Security
  • Mainframe Practitioners Who Want to Learn About UNIX and USS
  • UNIX Administrators Who Want to Work with RACF Administrators

HG06: You Will Learn How:

Class Outline

                          HG06 Seminar Workbook
                            TABLE OF CONTENTS
I   Concepts and Keywords                                           
        A      Introduction                                         
                   A Working Example                          
        B      What UNIX Is and What USS Is           
        C      How UNIX Security Works                   
        D      How USS Security Is Different             
        E      Why UNIX Is Really Neat         
        F      A Simple Way to Understand UNIX C Commands          
        G      What Are ACLs (Access Control Lists)                
        H      How Resource Rules Support USS Security       
        I      Why USS Is More Secure Than Most UNIXes       

II    Action Plan                                                  
        A      How To Administer Userid and Group Security         
                   Checklist for USS User and Group Security 
        B      How To Administer File Security                     
                   Checklist for USS File Security                 
        C      How To Administer ACLs (Access Control Lists)       
                   Checklist for USS ACL Security                  
        D      How To Delegate Security Authority in USS 
                   Checklist for USS Security Delegation 
        E      How To Administer Resource Rules For USS            
                   Checklist for USS Resource Security            
        F      How To Administer Auditing of USS Events    
                   Checklist for USS Auditing                     
        G      How To Pull All of USS Security Together        

III   Forms and Reference                                         
        A      Basic Security Model                               
        B      SYS1.PARMLIB(BPXPRMxx) Security Operands           
        C      RACF FACILITY Class Rules for USS                  
        D      RACF UNIXPRIV Class Rules                          
        E      USS Security Command Reference                 
                   rm  and rmdir                         
                   who and whoami                   

Please note that these seminars are available for In-House Sessions.

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Stu Henderson offers consulting, seminars, articles, and other information sharing related to information security and auditing. His consulting includes: security reviews, risk assessments, RACF implementation assistance, and Information Technology audit technical counseling.
His most popular seminars provide: RACF training, mainframe audit training including MVS and z/OS audit training. His RACF seminars include: "Effective RACF Administration", "Advanced RACF Administration", and "UNIX (USS) for RACF Administrators".
His audit seminars include: "How to Audit MVS, RACF, ACF2, TopSecret, CICS, DB2, and MQ Series Security" and the follow-on "How to Audit z/OS with USS, TCP/IP, FTP, and the Internet" as well as "How to Audit UNIX and Windows Security" and "How to Audit TCP/IP Security".

Information on class location and schedules, as well as articles, links and other useful information sharing may be found on his website at www.stuhenderson.com