HG17: Comprehensive z/OS Security

(3 Days, 24 CPE Credits; $1820)

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This class shows you how to control, integrate, and evaluate security for z/OS, including: MVS, JES, VTAM, DB2, and CICS.

You can take five different course to learn everything you need to know, or save time and money by just signing up for this one course and learn all the major security sub-systems on your mainframe! This course shows you how each of the system software components operates, how security options are set, how these options relate to other system software, including ACF2/RACF/TopSecret, and how you can verify and evaluate the quality of your mainframe's total security environment.

If you want to be a Data Security Officer, you need to understand MVS Security, JES Security, VTAM Security, DB2 Security, CICS Security, and how they all fit together. This course will teach you all of this, and what you need to do about it to be an effective Data Security Officer. You will learn to address MVS Security as an integrated whole, instead of trying to handle the different components piecemeal.

The 400+ page workbook will become one of the most useful reference manuals on your bookshelf.

Who Should Attend HG17?

HG17: You Will Learn:

  • MVS security
  • JES security
  • DB2 security
  • VTAM security
  • CICS security
  • How to integrate and audit them for effective z/OS security

Class Outline

                    HG17 SEMINAR TABLE OF CONTENTS

I   Concepts and Keywords                                           
     A    Introduction                                              
          Why We Are Here                                       
          Security versus Integrity                           
          The Big 5 Questions and the Two Security Functions       
          Two Functions Any Security Tool Must Support             
          Need to Understand the Architecture                      
          The Orange Book and the Need for a Standard      
          Ways to Identify                                        
          Two Key Concepts:  Protectall and Always-Call            
          Different Places Where Options Can Be Set                
          The Big Picture: What We Intend to Do and Why        
     B    MVS System Software Components                           
          Hardware Controls                                        
          Security Software                               
          DB2 Fundamentals                             
          SMF Data                                            
II  Action Steps                                             
          Hardware Controls                             
          The MVS Operating System               
          Security Software                              

III Forms and Reference                                           
          A)    SYS1.PARMLIB                                      
          B)    HASPPARM                                          
          C)    SYS1.VTAMLST                                    
          D)    DSNZPARM                                          
          E)    DSN3@ATH AND DSN3@SGN             

Please note that these seminars are available for In-House Sessions.

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Stu Henderson offers consulting, seminars, articles, and other information sharing related to information security and auditing. His consulting includes: security reviews, risk assessments, RACF implementation assistance, and Information Technology audit technical counseling.
His most popular seminars provide: RACF training, mainframe audit training including MVS and z/OS audit training. His RACF seminars include: "Effective RACF Administration", "Advanced RACF Administration", and "UNIX (USS) for RACF Administrators".
His audit seminars include: "How to Audit MVS, RACF, ACF2, TopSecret, CICS, DB2, and MQ Series Security" and the follow-on "How to Audit z/OS with USS, TCP/IP, FTP, and the Internet" as well as "How to Audit UNIX and Windows Security" and "How to Audit TCP/IP Security".
Information on class location and schedules, as well as articles, links and other useful information sharing may be found on his website at www.stuhenderson.com