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IS Audit Training

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We offer the following courses for information technology audit staff in public as well as in-house sessions:
Stu Teaches z/OS Audit

HG64: How to Audit z/OS with MVS, RACF, ACF2, Top Secret, CICS, DB2, and MQ Series Security

shows you how mainframe security works for all these software packages, and how to audit them all quickly and effectively. Includes complete audit programs.
Now available online. Please use registration form to request details.

HG65: How to Audit z/OS with USS, TCP/IP, FTP, and the Internet

shows you how these system software packages connect the mainframe to the Internet, how the security works, and how to audit them all quickly and effectively.
Now available online. Please use registration form to request details.

HG76: How to Audit UNIX and Windows Security

Shows you how UNIX and Windows security work, how they are similar, and how to audit them. This class gives you a complete audit program to evaluate UNIX security and one to evaluate Windows security.

We Offer Additional Audit Seminars for In-House Sessions, Including:

HG55: How to Audit z/OS Applications

shows you how to audit any application on a z/OS computer. Whether you are auditing Order Entry, General Ledger, Inventory, or any other application, and whether you are auditing for security, cost efficiency, user satisfaction, quality of data, reliability, or other objectives, this course shows you how to plan and execute the audit quickly and effectively.

HG62: Comprehensive IS Auditing with Case Studies

shows you with intensive exercises how to conduct different types of IS audit on different types of computer in a pro-active, problem-solving way.

HG70: How to Audit Cross-Platform Applications

shows you how security works when an application runs on different types of computer and gives you a complete audit program to evaluate protection of the application's data

HG71: How to Audit Mainframe/Internet Connections

Shows you how security works when you connect your IBM mainframe to the Internet and gives you a complete audit program to evaluate it

HG72: How to Audit TCP/IP Security

Shows you TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the way computers exchange data over the Internet) works in clear, straight-forward terms and gives you a complete audit program to evaluate its security

HG73: How to Audit CICS

Shows you how CICS (Customer Information Control System, the most widely used transaction manager software) works and gives you a complete audit program to evaluate its security on MVS systems

HG74: How to Audit RACF

Shows you how RACF (Resource Access Control Facility, IBM's strategic computer security software for mainframe computers) works and gives you a complete audit program to evaluate its implementation

HG75: How to Audit MVS

Shows you how MVS (Multiple Virtual System, IBM's mainframe operating system and the basis for OS/390 and z/OS) security works and gives you a complete audit program to evaluate it

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Please note that these seminars are available for In-House Sessions.

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